Destiny 2 Classic (Sunset Fix)
Lets face it, community sentiment is pretty low, onboarding new players is complicated, and tech limitations keeps the content vault pretty locked down. I do not like making the comparison but, Destiny 2 is basically the looter shooter equivalent to World of Warcraft. WoW did have a bounce back after some bad expansions and WoW classic definitely played a part in getting people back into the mood to play WoW, so lets look at how that could apply to Destiny 2.
Building Destiny 2 Classic
First some key points:
Destiny 1 content shouldn't be considered because Destiny 1 still exists to play.
Destiny 2 Classic would allow new players to start in the red war and play through the story and experience all the original planets.
Destiny 2 Classic would be a separate game similar to WoW classic which would eliminate storage/tech limitations that were originally responsible for sunsetting.
No one wants to hear this but the Eververse store could be linked between classic and current allowing compatible ornaments and flair to function in both games on a linked account. (They have to make money guys there's no reason not to discuss it)
Most important key point, if you own Vanilla D2 and the other expansions then Destiny Classic should be free. New players could purchase it but at a reduced cost to a mainline game so like....$25-$30 or as part of a current game purchase?
How it would work:
Destiny 2 Classic I think would work best in a season of arrivals sandbox state just before the sunset. WoW Classic did a time gated launch of expansions but I do not believe this would work in Destiny 2 Classic because let's be honest, D2 vanilla sandbox kind of sucked. But, with a season of arrivals sandbox state we would be at peak classic D2 sandbox with no dark subclasses, the sunset raids and content like Curse of Osiris, Warmind, season of drifter, armory, and opulence content. Some major bugs that did exist back then and have sense been fixed could be resolved (perk weighting).
As a separate game, loot couldn't follow you of course to the main game. But, lets say you complete the Destiny 2 Classic content and that would unlock a token for your linked main game account. That token if redeemed would skip/auto complete Shaw Han and Shadow Keep. Perhaps exotics earned in Classic could be linked to your account and be reclaimed from the Exotic Kiosk in the main game for free rather than spending cyphers. Now in the main game you have dialogue and interactions like the other players that get bonus dialogue for completing past quests and things. Similar to how the D1 account link would give you different dialogue in D2.
The Cons:
If you want the full experience you would have to play a separate game. I doubt this is actually a project being worked on at this time so the manpower and money to tackle this project would be taxing in an already stressed situation. This also means it wouldn't be available for a pretty long time. Is the content vault even in a state that could be converted into a separate game? Can that era of game even function in todays tech and coding situation? We also run the risk of having a separate unlinked Eververse store between the 2 versions, likely due to the tech not being able to communicate/share between the 2 games.
Closing Thoughts:
I think something like this could resolve a lot of issues currently with D2. It would allow players to play sunset content again without taxing the current game. It would give new players the ability to experience the story from the start if they wanted to. May have a positive influence on community sentiment. It may be easier to implement than just adding the old content into current D2, although that is assuming dumping the old content into a different game launcher and building the crossover/account linking stuff would be easier (I'm not a game dev so I don't know).
What are your thoughts?