Sky remake gameplay changes?

What gameplay changes are we expecting? As we have seen there are changes like follow up attacks, aside from that what else are we expecting?

These are the ones i want/expect

Magical crafts, i am not sure if i remember correctly but i think all crafts in FC are physical like Olivier's S-Craft that does laughable damage so i am expecting some magical crafts

Updated element heals, what i mean is in FC all healing spells are water, Zero later made aoe healing wind and Daybreak made revive spells space so i think we might get that

Attack spells for space and mirage, this one i am conflicted about, i do want those elements attack spells but it is also a plot point when Loewe uses mirage attack spells

I wonder if Estelle will be no lock orbment and if the rest will still have locks to a single element

I wonder if there will be DLC costumes or in game unlockable costumes like Estelle's theater outfit or Tita's hatless with her hair down outfit or Joshua and Kloe's princess dresses

Wonder if they will change the hit area of spells and crafts like making Blue Ascension aoe instead of single and if we are getting more variety of quartz