Vote NO on the Issaquah Property increase bond. Ballots are due soon!
The endless property tax increases need to stop. Our property taxes have doubled since 2018. The schools are not really crowded. They are well managed. This is a money handling issue. WA state is 100% responsible for funding public education- It's in the state constitution. School districts continue to use property taxes as an ATM machine.
Before you bring pitchforks and call me a Republican/trump supporter who hates teachers, STOP> I am a Democrat and am 100% in favor of teacher salary increases. But the bond only covers upgrades to school and special services. The November property tax increase was defeated in the elections so the ISD came back with a "smaller" amount of 250 Million. This is all due to rising construction costs and labor costs... spread over more years than the previous bond, this is a deceptive attempt at gradually increasing property taxes over a longer period.
Vote NO on the Issaquah School District's bond levy and see your property taxes go down.