Horus Heresy Audio book gone on Spotify
I was listening to the Horus Heresy books on Spotify and have been in the middle of book 11 (Fallen Angels). Suddenly the book seems to be delisted. I listened to it in Germany (language also German). Did anyone else encounter this issue as well? Maybe also with other Horus Heresy or Warhammer books? There is a big playlist of all Horus Heresy books on Spotify. The affected chapters also disappeared from that. Therefore I don't am think it is an issue on my end.
I'll listen to something else for now, but don't see myself continuing with the series if some books are not available anymore. I also don't see myself buying an audio book for which I only had like 30% missing to listen to. 😕
I hope this is just a temporary issue.
Edit: I just noticed that the Full Series Horus Heresy playlist was reduced to roughly 60h instead of the 400h+ that it was before. Looks like almost all of them are gone from Spotify. What a bummer.
Edit #2: u/Zwenguard created a post on the Spotify community page about it. Maybe we can signal interest if we all upvote and/or comment.
Edit #3: You might want to check out this comment. He called the distributor of the audio books and apparently they are in clarification with Spotify about it. So let's hope for the best.
Edit #4: Seems like they are back now! 🥳 Thanks for everyone talking to the publisher and/or the Spotify about this issue to raise awareness!