So Blizzard forgot about Rogues, right?!

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. The forums are full of people saying this one spec for this other class needs improvement.

Rogues have one viable spec (with slight variations), one ability, one weapon type, one rune. . . Mutilate. Every. Single. Rogue. is currently built around Mutilate. Tanking? Mutilate. Damage? Mutilate. PvP? Mutilate. Rogues are doing OK DPS but they've received almost nothing unique for SOD! Are rogues out there seriously content with one ability and one spec? Hell, for tanking Blizzard was just like "Here's 20% mitigation and 10% parry, Oh, and that requires 2 runes and you have to activate it with combo points."

How is this OK? I keep expecting patch notes with a major revamp. They gave us *slightly* more threat and modified an ability no one is using because it would require dropping Mutilate. What the heck is going on???