Superheroes. Why do you love them?

I am not a fan of superhero comics. Don't get me wrong, this is not a knock on them, just aren't really my thing, even as a kid. I was more into monsters and fantasy\Sci-Fi. I've read some superman, and some Spiderman. some Batman, some X-Men, and some Iron Man. While I enjoyed the read, they just didn't leave me hankering for more.

Recently I have run into a bit of a dilemma. I started reading East of West and absolutely fell in love with Jonathan Hickman's writing. I crave more! But, as much as I have been encouraged to get his "superhero" stuff, I am having a hard time pulling the trigger because I am not sure it will be something I want to add to my collection. (Please understand "my Collection" is stuff I keep because I love it and will continue to go back and read them again over time).

So, I was hoping to get a little different perspective on why the folks that love superhero comics\graphic novels love them. What is so satisfying? What do you look for when venturing out into a new hero or series? Do you follow a particular hero or writer or artist?

I know that's broad and your reasons may vary for each current or new book but really looking for in general what is it that keeps you interested in your particular superhero?

I also know that, yes, in general, it is probably the same thing that keeps me going back to reading what I love. But, I love what I love because it is a different world. And when it is not, it is a different look or perspective on current "things". Sandman for it's portrayal of Dream, Death, Desire. etc. as beings capable of some of the same foibles as we humans. Fables, for it's take on well known and not so well known stories\characters\fables. East of West for it's alternate history and, again, different take on the 4 horseman of the apocalypse. Superheroes just hit me as this same old world but attempting to make "man" better (the superhero) and not really anything different than the world we live in and our views and opinions of that world.

Again, not bashing your love, just trying to look at it with your eyes and grow to love it as well.