Neighbour is toxic in more ways again
Hey folks. I’m posting this as an update to my previous post titled “Neighbour toxic in more ways than one.”
At the end of that post I mentioned that I wonder what he’ll do next.
Well folks, here’s his latest antics.
One day a couple of weeks ago I heard a god awful noise outside at something like 4 or 5pm. It sounded like something scraping. I thought something on a car was dragging on the road.
A quick look says otherwise.
My neighbour was dragging what appeared to be half of a sofa. You know the sort, a sofa that splits in half to fit through doorways etc.
It was a white leather sofa half and he was dragging it from the garages in our car park. He rents one of the garages to store his motorbike. So he must have had it in there.
You’d think he’d bought a new sofa and had it dropped off at his garage. But no. That’s not the case.
2 days later I went to take rubbish out to the bin shed, only to find the both parts of the sofa in the communal stairs. There’s a space on the ground floor under the stairs. However, there’s the door to another neighbour’s residence there as well.
In effect, the sofas were practically blocking a neighbour’s door so they have to squeeze past it.
I reported it to the council/landlord and was told that I’m not the only one to report it.
A couple of days later we got a general letter through our doors telling us that fly tipping in the communal stairs is not allowed and other things like potential fines or eviction is possible.
Another 2 days later, which was Sunday, I heard the same noise again at 9pm.
A look outside revealed that he was dragging the sofa back to his garage.
In the end, it makes no sense to me. Why not just keep it stored in his garage if he wasn’t bringing it into his home? Was he holding onto it for someone else?
Can any of you make a better guess than me?