I think I'm racist

Throwaway for obvious reasons.

For some context, I'm queer and have very leftist beliefs. I know this doesn't absolve me of anything but I feel like it might be relevant. I live in Canada and anyone who knows anything about Canada knows that we have a very large immigrant population, consisting mainly of Indian folks. I work at a job consisting of almost entirely Indian people. I'm talking like 70 - 30 percent Indian to white ratio.

A lot of people like to squarely blame our countries current economic issues on immigration. I believe to a degree that we have taken too many people in but at the same time, I can't disagree with someone for wanting and having the drive to move to a better country.

My issue is that I find myself being less patient with Indian people. Ill get annoyed with them a lot quicker than with white people. If I notice one on their phone at work, I get annoyed. If they're talking in their own language loudly, I get annoyed. If I go to a fast food place and it's primarily staffed by Indians, I get angry a lot easier when it comes to my order being wrong/taking long.

I understand that this is confirmation bias. I see a lot more of them all the time so the statistical chance of one of them doing something that annoys me is much higher. It's something I try to actively challenge myself on but I feel like a tolerant person wouldn't have to constantly be doing it the way I have to.

The worst part is I get these thoughts in the back of my head. Ill think things like "God, just go back where you came from already" or if there's one that does something to please me I'll think "you're one of the good ones". I would absolutely never vocalize these thoughts but I hate they're there to begin with. There was even a part of me that felt good when I found out that Canada was planning on cutting down on immigration.

Am I overthinking this? Is it normal to think like this as much as I do or am I just a bad person?