Experienced Delay on Release Inspection
What happens to CDBB singles that are duplicated within an ALBUM release?
How do cash out work I don’t see a button so if I reach my pay point will it transfer on its own or how I cash out or withdraw the money
Release Approved but somethings wrong
Partner Deliver Status
Error 404
CD Baby should defend its artists and appeal Spotify irregular streaming activity reports instead of immediately taking down flagged releases
Why is my album being labeled as "Compilation"?
Why is my album being labeled as "Compilation"
PS5 discord not letting me join voice chats
How can I stop people who steal the music on Youtube?
Over a month now…
Update on July
are there any good distributors that have good and fast customer service?
Are there any distributors with good and fast customer service besides distrokid?
CD Baby
CD Baby Inspection
it down
Anix.to "Suspected Phishing" warning
Does Fixer Tool work with Featured Artists