Any discord servers for meet us or hang out?
Any discord servers for hanging out or meet ups?
Any discord servers for meet ups and hanging out?
Masks ive made
Quick! You ran into one of "those teams" and you must get the 4k like your life depends on it! Which killer and perks are you using to secure the W.
Find the Groundhog
What's up with these warnings?
Be honest, which song was it for you guys?
I am a girl but what was that supposed to mean? Lol
Two things a hate as a Doctor main
I finally did it
I'm the invisible man.
Screw buffs. What would YOU🫵 do to make the pig WORSE?
Class goes wrong
Mine is heavy cabinets
DbD x DnD Series Day 3! Which killer and which survivor fits the cleric the best? Most voted for wins
I just got hit by DS in the end game by a team that had no DS. Feels bad, man
Reminded Why I Left DBD
Daily dose of toxic killer endgame chat (Rebecca was being a bit salty too)
My cross play has been forcefully turned off without me doing it and I don’t know how to turn it back on
Question for those that p1'd all characters before leveling up more
3K against toxic SWF
Rate my Trapper build
Trend? Trend.
Jumping on the train, what do my mains say about me?