Fallout 76 Trade List (Xbox)
H: GBD W: Buffoon, Demon, Deathclaw, Crazy Guy, Hag & Loon
H: Glowing Abe OR Glowing Bigfoot W: Red Asylum Dress
H: Glowing Bigfoot W: You to pick a number between 1-7600
H: Glowing Alien W: Non-Glowing Rare Bundle offers
H: Glowing Turkey W: Leader Offer
2K Big Guns Giveaway!
There are officially 0 large/semi-large youtubers creating content for this game anymore
H: 1-4 star Box mods lmk what you’re after W: Excavator Jetpack Torsos
H: 5 Aegis W: 5 Limit-Breaking
H: Reflective x2 W: Limit-Breaking x2
Okay, whats with all the Gatling Plasmas?
Angry turtle says choo-choos is S tier and reflective is A tier
H: BE25 Enclave, Reflex Sight, Aligned Auto, Calibrated Capacitor & Forceful Stock Mods W: Tesla 9, Big Gun Bobs, Powered, Scanners & Pounders mods
H: Gatling Plasma w/ new mods W: Pounders mod
H: Trade List W: 2 Powered mods
H: arms keeper W: sent 1:1
H: Gatling Plasma Stinging Core Receptacle W: Gatling Plasma Accelerated Nozzle
H: Trade List W: Tesla Science 9 offers
H: Trade List W: Big Gun bobs & Tesla Science 9 offers
H: Box Mods/Buffs. LMK what you’re after W: bulk Big Guns Bobbleheads
How do we unlock the new Gatling Plasma mods?
H: Anti Armor - Quad mods or Leaders W: x2 Excavator Jetpack Torsos
H:Mods W:13 Leader per Star