Bethany is now home after being in the hospital
LnL had a NUCCA adjustment
CZ hopes to travel again someday
Lights out for the ketamine queen
CZ shows what last layers looked like for her
OnDn will be having a high dose infusion with a procedure
Bethany is stuck in hospital
Bethany shares the difficulty about living with implanted medical devices
SDP has discovered a way to transport her wheelchair
Cait got a new pillbox (they/them only)
SDP requires a wheelchair ramp carrier
my.eds announces motility clinic on feb 11th (they/them only)
Things Bethany never leaves the house without
“mri techs making jokes to each other and laughing at me about the written recommendation to pre medicate / sedate me”
Bethany would like nurses to send her questions
Chronic Disease & "But you don't look sick" line of thinking by RARA
Bethany wonders what happened to the loving community
CC thought she was depressed but found out she’s actually autistic
Bethany experienced a terminally ill asshole
Bethany announces that she is tired of reiterating that her video is NOT an example of proper central line care
CZ announces that she is now home after being in the hospital
CC talks about a scenario about renting an apartment with a service dog
Things you shouldn’t do if you see a service dog in public by CC
Autism isn’t an excuse